Monday, September 8

homework, homework, homework

Could I have anymore homework??? Between working full-time and going to school at night I have no time for myself. This is why I have not been blogging as much. I have not had any spare time to do anything. I come to work and either work or do homework. I go to school after I get off of work and have to take notes. I get home from work and do more homework. That seems to be the story of my life. Homework, Homework, Homework!!! I needed to catch up on some math yesterday but I just did not feel like it. So I didn't! I some of it when I got to work this morning but stopped after a couple of hours. I just get so bored doing math all of the time. It seems like I always have something due in that class. I know I should just stop complaining but I cant. The classes I tonight are not bad because I really like my teachers but tomorrow is another story. I like my math teacher so far she just makes us do a lot. If you cant tell by now I cant stand math. I hate it with a passion. It doesn't like me and I don't like it. I should be a good student and do some homework while I have some downtime but I'm not going to. What will probably happen is that I will get more tonight and have to try to catch up this weekend. Oh well. I have done it before. If you are still reading this I am sorry for griping so much. I hope everyone has a great week!



Tiffany said...

we are in the same boat! but ive been trying to do all my math homework! as long as grades on effort i'm good!lol..