Thursday, October 9

Bunco Winner Right Here!

So its been a couple of days since I have posted anything. I think I am finally getting things back where I want them on my page. I didn't realize that it deletes your stuff when you change your background. I am going to save everything next time! There are a lot of my food and craft blogs that I cant find but I am searching. I love those blogs even though I don't know who they are. The craft blogs have really good ideas on them. I am in a card club that once a month we make a certain kind of card. One month might be Christmas the next might have to be a card that has ribbon on it. It all just depends. The food ones have a lot of great recipes on them. I have already tried 2 recipes and they were both great. I think it just gives you some new ideas so I have to find them again.

Anyways, on another note this week has been good. Monday after I got off work it was raining so hard that people were going 40 mph on the bypass. Those are the days that I wish I didn't have to go to school. I sucked it up though and went. I love it when it rains and I don't have to get out in it. Other than that I hate the rain. One of my biggest fears is driving in the rain. Its probably not a good one to have since obviously your going to have to drive in every once in a while. The reason I have that fear is because I have been in 2 car accidents. When it happened it was raining. Don't worry I have a different car now so its better! The kind of Monday I had as just a Monday. Nothing happened and it was really dead at work. I hate days like that!

Tuesday was a great day except for my math class. Nothing much went on at work until I went to class. Have you ever had one of those days that you thought you were doing everything right but at the end you were doing it all wrong? That was me in math. For some reason I forgot everything. We have a test today so I am hoping that does not happen on the test. So wish me luck. I'm going to need all the help I ca get. After I got off of work I went to Bunco. We had 20 people show up! That's a lot of girls in one house. I pretty sure that's the biggest group of girls that has ever come before. It was so much fun. I now even have my mom playing with us! She loves it. I ended up being the biggest winner! I had 3 bunco's and won the most money! I was so excited because I really need money right now. I am so broke.

Last Friday I went to the eye doctor. My vision stayed the same but I decided to get some new glasses! I love them They are burgundy. I want them to get here so bad. The doctor said it would take about a week so only a couple of more days!! Donna (one of my friends) has been so sick lately. She went to the hospital Saturday night. They did blood work and sent her home with antibiotics. She went back to the doctor on Monday and they sent her to the hospital. She ended up having meningitis! She got out of the hospital yesterday but she is on strict bed rest. She can not get out of that bed until the doctor says she can. She will be laying there until Monday at least. Not good, ecspecialy for her because she is the kind of people that can not be in one place. So I hope that she gets better fast!

Well I better finish studying for my test. Wish me luck!